Major Arcana Candles

Major Arcana Candles
Major Arcana Tarot Candles
100% Soy wax candles scented with hand blended oils and adorned with specially chosen herbs, flowers and crystals.
The Fool- Begin your journey. New beginnings, fresh starts and leaps of faith. Basil, peony petals, white sage and blue kyanite.
The High Priestess- Connect with the other side. The walker between the worlds, the sacred feminine, diving guidance, ancestral magic. Rosemary, cypress, sage and labradorite.
The Lovers- Embrace love in all it’s forms. Partnerships, romance, connections, deep understanding, soul mates. Rose, lavender, lotus, auralite.
The Tower- Let it burn. Release, drastic change, clearing of negativity. A fresh start, phoenix from the flames. Wormwood, abre camino, garnet, tourmaline.
The World- Reach your destiny. Completion, achieving your true potential, fulfillment, harmony. Cypress, juniper, pea blossoms, fluorite.